Knot (UK) Unit conversions, including kt (UK) to m/s, kt (UK) to km/h, kt (UK) to mi/h, kt (UK) to ft/s, kt (UK) to yd/s, kt (UK) to mi/s etc.

Knot (UK) Unit Conversions

» Knot (UK) to Yard/hour Converter

kt (UK) to yd/h

» Knot (UK) to Yard/minute Converter

kt (UK) to yd/min

» Knot (UK) to Yard/second Converter

kt (UK) to yd/s

» Knot (UK) to Mile/minute Converter

kt (UK) to mi/min

» Knot (UK) to Mile/second Converter

kt (UK) to mi/s

» Knot (UK) to Knot Converter

kt (UK) to kt

» Knot (UK) to Velocity of light in vacuum Converter

kt (UK) to c

» Knot (UK) to Cosmic velocity - first Converter

kt (UK) to Cosmic velocity - first

» Knot (UK) to Cosmic velocity - second Converter

kt (UK) to Cosmic velocity - second

» Knot (UK) to Cosmic velocity - third Converter

kt (UK) to Cosmic velocity - third

» Knot (UK) to Earth's velocity Converter

kt (UK) to Earth's velocity

» Knot (UK) to Velocity of sound in pure water Converter

kt (UK) to Velocity of sound in pure water

» Knot (UK) to Velocity of sound in sea water (20°C, 10 meter deep) Converter

kt (UK) to Velocity of sound in sea water (20°C, 10 meter deep)

» Knot (UK) to Mach (20°C, 1 atm) Converter

kt (UK) to Mach (20°C, 1 atm)

» Knot (UK) to Mach (SI standard) Converter

kt (UK) to Mach (SI standard)

What is the Knot (UK) unit?

The Knot (UK) (symbol: kt (UK)) is an obsolete non-SI unit of speed equal to one UK Admiralty nautical mile or 6,080 feet or 1,853.184 meters per hour.

Popular Speed and Velocity Unit Conversions

Convert Knot (UK) to Other Speed and Velocity Units


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