Dry Volume Unit Conversion, including L to qt dry, L to pt dry, L to pk, L to bu, L to bbl dry etc.

Popular Dry Volume Unit Conversions

Dry Volume Unit Conversions

» Liter Unit Converters

L unit conversions

» Barrel dry (US) Unit Converters

bbl dry (US) unit conversions

» Pint dry (US) Unit Converters

pt dry (US) unit conversions

» Quart dry (US) Unit Converters

qt dry (US) unit conversions

» Peck (US) Unit Converters

pk (US) unit conversions

» Peck (UK) Unit Converters

pk (UK) unit conversions

» Bushel (US) Unit Converters

bu (US) unit conversions

» Bushel (UK) Unit Converters

bu (UK) unit conversions

» Cor (Biblical) Unit Converters

cor (Biblical) unit conversions

» Homer (Biblical) Unit Converters

homer (Biblical) unit conversions

» Ephah (Biblical) Unit Converters

ephah (Biblical) unit conversions

» Seah (Biblical) Unit Converters

seah (Biblical) unit conversions

» Omer (Biblical) Unit Converters

omer (Biblical) unit conversions

» Cab (Biblical) Unit Converters

cab (Biblical) unit conversions

» Log (Biblical) Unit Converters

log (Biblical) unit conversions

Other Dry Volume Units to Liter Conversion Table
bbl dry (US) to L1 bbl dry (US) = 115.6271236 L
pt dry (US) to L1 pt dry (US) = 0.5506104714 L
qt dry (US) to L1 qt dry (US) = 1.1012209428 L
pk (US) to L1 pk (US) = 8.8097675424 L
pk (UK) to L1 pk (UK) = 9.09218 L
bu (US) to L1 bu (US) = 35.23907017 L
bu (UK) to L1 bu (UK) = 36.36872 L
cor (Biblical) to L1 cor (Biblical) = 219.99998929 L
homer (Biblical) to L1 homer (Biblical) = 219.99998929 L
ephah (Biblical) to L1 ephah (Biblical) = 21.999998929 L
seah (Biblical) to L1 seah (Biblical) = 7.3333329764 L
omer (Biblical) to L1 omer (Biblical) = 2.1999998929 L
cab (Biblical) to L1 cab (Biblical) = 1.2222221627 L
log (Biblical) to L1 log (Biblical) = 0.3055555407 L
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